What's Inside?
Higher SEO rankings and more quality website traffic start here. Your SEO report provides actionable items that can improve your results.
Maximize Efficiency
Learn what items will immediately impact your SEO results and focus on those items first.
Analyze Keywords
Keyword opportunities and technical errors that influence SEO and usability.
Action Items
Action items and advice on how you can improve your scores and business objectives.
Who is the Summit Crew?
Summit Crew is known for their in-depth digital strategies, bullet-proof BOOST Method™, and passion for what they do – they drive results that surpass most in the industry. More than 75% of their clients double their revenue in the first year.
We are known for our in-depth digital strategies, bullet-proof BOOST Method™, and passion for what we do – we drive results that surpass most in our industry. More than 75% of our clients double their revenue in the first year.
Boost Level 3 - Implement
Boost Level 4 - Test, Measure, Scale
In the fourth and final stage, we look at our past successes and plan for shifts in our strategies with the flexibility to respond to growing requirements and changing priorities. Our measurements are done holistically to get a better understanding of overall growth and profitability. Then, we scale.