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- Understand that digital marketing is measurable at all levels.
- We walk you through how you can properly calculate your ROAS
- We discuss what profitability means for you and how you can determine your TRUE return based on your industry.
- Once you drive leads or prospective customers, we show you how to move them into purchase or sale with a few easy-to-implement steps.
- Understand what is a holistic approach is and what it includes.
- Why it is critical to engage with people early in the decision process.
- Measuring holistically can generate a better overall picture of success.
- We walk you through a real client example and the success that was generated using the exact same ideas.
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This book is great for Business Owners, Marketers, Entrepreneurs, Consultants, and Start-ups
- Running a business but feel trapped, unsure of how to move ahead and on a hamster wheel that keeps spinning, but you are getting nowhere.
- Have a great idea, but don’t know how to get it off the ground.
- If you are an entrepreneur, startup, or business owner watching everyone around you grow and you’re not?
Our book The MasterPlan for Google Ads can turn your digital advertising around. Start earning 500-700% or more Return on Your Investment.
Digital Marketing eBooks That Will Help Your Business Grow! Get Your Free Download Below.
- Understanding the Purchase Funnel
- Holistic Approach to Marketing
- Attribution Modeling
- Understanding Google Networks
- Search Network Strategy
- Evolution of Display Target