When marketing to your target audience, remarketing can serve as an essential tool for success. When conducting remarketing, you are targeting people who have already shown interest in your product or service. Whether their engagement involves visiting your website or previous purchases, remarketing is the process of strategically positioning your ads in front of these formerly engaged people. One method to remarket through using a javascript tag, also known as a pixel, that places a cookie in users’ browsers that display specific ads to re-engage viewers. Learn the many other strategies you can implement when it comes to remarketing.
Benefits of Remarketing
There are tons of benefits to using remarketing strategies; depending on your business’ objectives, you can use remarketing to drive the desired outcome. Whether you want to promote brand awareness, drive purchases, or encourage more users to subscribe to your newsletter, you can use remarketing as a strategy. Here are a few of the benefits:
Focused Outreach & Targeting
According to marketing specialists, remarketing is a unique and effective strategy due to its focus. When you are developing a target audience for your remarketing campaign, you will be more successful when you target niche and/or specific groups.
You want to target users who have already displayed a sense of interest or engagement on your website through automation tools such as Omnisend, Hubspot Marketing Automation, ManyChat, and more. Setting up SMS and email workflows, a sequence of messages triggered to start after a certain customer action. These actions can be customers abandoning the cart, new customers signing up for the newsletter, upon exit of leaving the site, and more.
For the abandoned cart workflow, these customers enter the messaging cycle when they have added a product to their cart, but did not complete their purchase. To consumers like these, you can send an email with a phrase like “Looks like you left something behind.” or “We saved your cart for you!” Implementing content like this into your remarketing campaign will serve as an extremely effective strategy when you are looking to drive sales or to better engage with your targeted audience as it gives them a reminder of your business through the various touchpoints.
Large Scale Reach and Engagement
Another benefit of remarketing is the ability to target large audiences. For example, if you are looking to remarket your product or service, you can use email marketing, social media platforms, or targeted advertisements to tend to large audiences. To make your campaign more effective, you can use various targeted messages to ensure that you are creating content that will engage specific users and consumers.
To do this, one key strategy is utilizing SEO-based content to increase traffic and to remarket your content to users looking for products or services like the ones you are marketing in your campaign. SEO blog content drives audiences in at an upper funnel interest; SEO strategies of linking earning, optimized UX blog format, and quality content provide an organic traffic option to complement any paid advertising simultaneously running. Consider using any of these strategies to grow your brand awareness and to get more attention on your remarketing campaigns.
An additional benefit of remarketing is its inherently lower cost per conversion ensuring businesses receive higher returns on investment. Remarketing is cost-effective because it can be used to target consumers who have yet to make purchases or who have come in contact with your brand before but haven’t taken an action because they’re waiting to be sold on your product or service. Furthermore, on average, remarketing ads result in decreased spending by businesses because advertising to prospective customers who initially showed interest in the brands products or services means there’s a much higher probability that they will convert and buy.
Timely and Prompt
Considering the fact that when remarketing, you already have an established target audience, remarketing strategies can be implemented quickly and easily. For example, suppose you want to use email marketing as a remarketing tactic. In that case, you will already have a list generated of various clients and leads you want to contact whether that is from newsletter sign ups or promotional events.
You can also time your ads so that they reach your targeted audience when they are doing things such as leaving your website or looking to make a purchase from a competitor. Therefore, remarketing benefits your business by saving time and money by driving them back into your website with effective outreach and messaging. Within weeks, you can develop, deliver, and successfully conduct remarketing strategies with the proper planning.
Measurable Results
Lastly, remarketing is an excellent way to get measurable results regarding your marketing campaign. For example, if you are looking to understand how many of your consumers have put products in their cart but did not make a purchase, you can track this metric and target these users. On the other hand, you can use the results from your remarketing strategies to understand whether or not your strategies are effective, and where you should refocus your efforts to remarket better. You can do this by seeing how many clicks your ads receive, how many consumers follow through with purchases, and how many consumers open your emails, amongst other quantifiable metrics.
All in all, there are tons of benefits to remarketing your business. It is an extremely important strategy for companies looking to extend their outreach or better connect with various clientele groups. Whether you are remarketing a product or service, there are strategies you can use to ensure success.
For more advice from marketing experts, consult our blog or our website. We provide all of the strategies and content you need to grow your brand and boost your results!
If you need help growing your business and averaging 400% or more ROI from your digital efforts, give us a call today or schedule a free strategy session with one of our experts in digital marketing. You will have an opportunity to discuss your business and your marketing goals, and we will provide recommendations on what you should be doing based on our BOOST Method. This is a sales-pitch-free no-obligation meeting, just real advice.