What Is Behavioral Science?
Behavioral Science allows us to track down, analyze, and understand our decision-making process. We analyze the criteria by focusing on physiological and economic perspectives. Marketing activities, either directly or indirectly influence your buying decisions. Think about when you pick up that shirt in a store. You ponder on whether on not to buy it. That’s science affecting your psyche.
Behavioral Sciences and Marketing Research states, “Numerous behavioral studies in recent years have revealed consumers’ limited rationality and show that even seemingly irrational behavior follows certain patterns and rules.”
As a result, applying psychological findings to marketing and pricing measures offer the most profitable opportunities. Helping to predict purchase behavior allows for more precise ideas. We can target consumers more effectively.
To create a marketing plan based on behavioral science, they have to ask questions to get the answers they need:
- Which psychological effects are more critical and prioritized?
- How can those affected, implement these to existing marketing efforts?
- Do we need to create new strategies and promotions?
- When are the best times to launch those activities?
But other than these critical queries, the need to set up a good foundation or strategy may prove crucial when generating interest in your product or service. These three are the most common yet effective ways to speak to your audience.
1. The Deal Effect:
When there is a discount for two products with a different value, it has to be the same percentage as the other one. For example, take two products, one is $10 and $500; they both need to be discounted at 60% to get reliable results with the more expensive items. The same price reduction is perceived to be less attractive at a high price level than at a low price level.
2. The IKEA Effect:
Research shows that people who are more involved with the design or creation of the product value their purchase more. If you build or create something yourself, you are committed and more willing to spend money. Take it from McDonald’s. They conducted a focus group in which participants created their menu. This interaction resulted in all positive feedback from the group. This idea seemed to catch on to Nike and Adidas when they began to allow customers to customize their products.
3. The Smart Decision Effect:
People like to be proud of what they have. It could be because of functionality or the results or uniqueness. Furthermore, it also creates loyalty and commitment to the brand.
Remember, “Commitment comes from something that produces good results.”- if you are in the process of creating this effect, your next concern should be how we can make this a habit in people’s lives. If you can establish yourself as a part of their life, you are one step closer to completing the buying criteria puzzle.
These three are pretty much the fool-proof methods to get your potential patrons on board with the idea of whatever it is you’re selling. It is best to keep these in mind – especially if you’re someone who is starting in the market or have new products you’re thinking about launching. We are human beings after all- with our day-to-day activities affected by the different areas of our brain, tapping into someone’s subconscious sure wouldn’t hurt in this case. When science just won’t cut it, consumers turn to research.
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If you need help growing your business and averaging 400% or more ROI from your digital efforts, give us a call today or schedule a free strategy session with one of our experts in digital marketing. You will have an opportunity to discuss your business and your marketing goals, and we will provide recommendations on what you should be doing based on our BOOST Method. This is a sales-pitch-free no-obligation meeting, just real advice.